Tombo Título Especificação
9932 (Sem título) Wrigt, Marie Robinson (1866-1914) The New Brazil Its Resources and Attractions Historical Descriptive, and Industrial. George. Barrier & Son. Philadelphia, London, Paris, s.d., 1901. Rio de Janeiro, séculos XIX e XX Fig. 6, p. 82 - Pathway na Tijuca (passeio?).
9931 (Sem título) Wrigt, Marie Robinson (1866-1914) The New Brazil Its Resources and Attractions Historical Descriptive, and Industrial. George. Barrier & Son. Philadelphia, London, Paris, s.d., 1901. Rio de Janeiro, séculos XIX e XX Fig. 5, p. 77 - Bolsa, Rua Primeiro de Março, Rio de Janeiro.
9930 (Sem título) Wrigt, Marie Robinson (1866-1914) The New Brazil Its Resources and Attractions Historical Descriptive, and Industrial. George. Barrier & Son. Philadelphia, London, Paris, s.d., 1901. Rio de Janeiro, séculos XIX e XX Fig. 4, p. 52 - Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro.
993 (Sem título) Marguerite,Yves Notre Dame. In Paris Match, Nº 1024. 12 de dezembro de 1968. Notre Dame Fig. 8, p. 69 - Notre Dame. A virgem tomando o contrato do demônio queima a nuca daquele com um golpe de Venáculo. Escultura de Jean de Chelles, 1250.
9929 (Sem título) Wrigt, Marie Robinson (1866-1914) The New Brazil Its Resources and Attractions Historical Descriptive, and Industrial. George. Barrier & Son. Philadelphia, London, Paris, s.d., 1901. Rio de Janeiro, séculos XIX e XX Fig. 3, p. 46 - Arqueduto da Carioca (velho), Rio de Janeiro.
9928 (Sem título) Wrigt, Marie Robinson (1866-1914) The New Brazil Its Resources and Attractions Historical Descriptive, and Industrial. George. Barrier & Son. Philadelphia, London, Paris, s.d., 1901. Rio de Janeiro, séculos XIX e XX Fig. 2, p. 41 - Rua do Ouvidor, Rio de Janeiro.
9927 (Sem título) Wrigt, Marie Robinson (1866-1914) The New Brazil Its Resources and Attractions Historical Descriptive, and Industrial. George. Barrier & Son. Philadelphia, London, Paris, s.d., 1901. Rio de Janeiro, séculos XIX e XX Fig. 1, p. 27 - Museu Nacional, São Cristóvão, Rio de Janeiro.
9926 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 39 - Texto. Prancha 37. Largo da Carioca.
9925 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 39 - Prancha 37: Largo da Carioca.
9924 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 38 - Texto. Prancha 36. criminosos carregando provisões para a prisão.
9923 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 38 - Prancha 36: criminosos carregando provisões para a prisão.
9922 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 37 - Texto. Prancha 35. um "Pedlar" (comerciante) e seu escravo.
9921 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 37 - Prancha 35: um "Pedlar" (comerciante) e seu escravo.
9920 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 36 - Texto. Prancha 34. baía de Botafogo, prancha 2.
992 (Sem título) Marguerite,Yves Notre Dame. In Paris Match, Nº 1024. 12 de dezembro de 1968. Notre Dame Fig. 7, p. 69 - Notre Dame. Teófilo tomado pelo remorso pede perdão à Virgem.
9919 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 36 - Prancha 34: baía de Botafogo, prancha 2.
9918 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 35 - Texto. Prancha 33. baía do Botafogo, prancha 1.
9917 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 35 - Prancha 33: baía do Botafogo, prancha 1.
9916 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 34 - Texto. Prancha 32. uma história, no solar (gelosia).
9915 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 34 - Prancha 32: uma história, no solar (gelosia).