Tombo Título Especificação
9879 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 17 - Texto. Prancha 15: Lagoa de Freitas.
9878 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 17 - Prancha 15: Lagoa de Freitas.
9877 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 16 - Texto. Prancha 14: o Lazareto.
9876 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 16 - Prancha 14: o Lazareto.
9875 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 15 - Texto. Prancha 13: cascata da Tijuca.
9874 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 15 - Prancha 13: cascata da Tijuca.
9873 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 14 - Texto. Prancha 12: mercado de Escravo.
9872 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 14 - Prancha 12: mercado de Escravo.
9871 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 13 - Texto. Prancha 11: Boa Viagem.
9870 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 13 - Prancha 11: Boa Viagem.
987 (Sem título) Marguerite,Yves Notre Dame. In Paris Match, Nº 1024. 12 de dezembro de 1968. Notre Dame Fig. 2, p. 66 - Notre Dame: Cena do grande portal reconstruído por Viollet-le-Duc.Pesagem das almas: São Miguel segura a balança dos justos enquanto o Demônio a outra.
9869 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 12 - Texto. Prancha 10. a rede.
9868 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 12 - Prancha 10: a rede.
9867 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 11 - Texto. Prancha 9: vista do Forte de Santa Cruz.
9866 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 11 - Texto. Prancha 9:vista do Forte de Santa Cruz.
9865 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 11 - Prancha 9: vista do Forte de Santa Cruz.
9864 (Sem título) Chamberlain, (Lieutenant) Views and Costumes of the City and Neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descritive explanations. Printed for Thomas M'Lean, Nº 26. Haymarket by Howletland Brinner, Columbian Press. London, 1822. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 10 - Texto. Prancha 8: pretos de ganho.
9833 (Sem título) Clark, Hamlet Letters Home From Spain, Algeria and Brazil, during past Entomological Rambles. Publ. John Van Voorst. London, 1867. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 1 - Miranda R.Y.S. 93 Tone J. Gray Esq off Tarifa.
9832 (Sem título) Biard, François Auguste Deux Années au Brésil. Desenhos de E. Riou, segundo os croquis de M. Biard. Librairie de L. Hachette et Cie. Paris, 1862. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 17, p. 99 - Volta de uma venda de escravos no Rio de Janeiro.
9831 (Sem título) Biard, François Auguste Deux Années au Brésil. Desenhos de E. Riou, segundo os croquis de M. Biard. Librairie de L. Hachette et Cie. Paris, 1862. Rio de Janeiro, século XIX Fig. 14, p. 93 - Negros no Rio de Janeiro.